After we announced to the office that we were going to be revamping our website for our 10th anniversary, there was no shortage of input.
“It needs to look clean”
“The pictures need to be bigger. No, BIGGER”
“Easy navigation.”
“We should have a Facebook link. Everybody does everything on Facebook.”
“Nobody uses Facebook anymore.”
“It should be modern.”
“Simple. Dynamic.”
“We need to give people a reason to visit the site frequently.”
>>>>>record scratch*<<<<< Hunh. That’s a really good idea. What if our website is not just an online portfolio, but a resource that people can actually use. Sure, we’ll still want to showcase our projects, staff, and all the usual things the website of an architecture firm usually does. But what if we created our own online community resource? A resource for designers, friends of architecture, students, preservationists, small business owners, marketers, and sustainably-minded people? More than a linkstorm, but less than a diary, we want to share our insights on products and trends, from architecture to marketing to the running of a small business. We hope that you will suggest topics, ask for our opinion, and in general, enjoy what we spew forth.
So, thanks for stopping by. We hope you like what you see. And come back soon!
*a RECORD is an antiquated music conveyance device that died out in the 80’s, but has remained popular among underground music fans and hipsters.